Wikipedia has the following definition of tapioca: “Tapioca is a flavorless, colorless, odorless starch extracted from the root of the plant species Manihot esculenta. This species, native to South America, is now cultivated worldwide and has many names, including cassava, bitter-cassava, manioc, “mandioca”, “aipim”, “macaxeira”, “manioca”, “boba”, “yuca” (not to be confused with yucca) and “kappa” in the state of Kerala in India. Tapioca is a staple food in some regions and is used worldwide as a thickening agent, principally in foods. Tapioca is gluten free, and nearly protein free. The commercial form of tapioca most familiar to many people is pearl tapioca.” Here at, our focus is on providing good recipes for the type of tapioca used in bubble tea and boba tea drinks (not for the small tapioca used in tapioca pudding).
Please write to us at:
Boba Tea Direct
9674 E Arapahoe Road #155
Greenwood Village, CO 80112.
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